SQN Sport is a Martha Stewart American Made Style Finalist!

by Megan Lengyel October 07, 2015 1 min read


SQN Sport was chosen as a Martha Stewart American Made Style Finalist!  

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Why U.S. Manufacturing Is Poised for a Comeback (Maybe)

by Megan Lengyel March 10, 2015 1 min read

Manufacturing in the U.S. is starting to make a comeback, and is poised for even bigger gains in the years ahead.

That, at least, is the way the optimists see it.



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Some apparel manufacturing 'reshoring' to USA

by Megan Lengyel February 24, 2015 1 min read

A small but growing number of clothing designers and retailers are bringing some production back to the U.S. The firms cite rising labor costs, poor quality and long lead times in China.


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Facts about American Manufacturing

by Megan Lengyel February 09, 2015 3 min read

One of the biggest challenges facing the American economy is that we lack a domestic manufacturing base. Simply put we do not produce anything anymore. We buy tons of foreign goods and then wonder why we are lacking jobs.

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Why We Need To Rebuild The U.S. Manufacturing Sector

by Megan Lengyel January 26, 2015 1 min read

The 2012 elections are taking shape as a referendum on the U.S. economy. Which is a very good thing. We’re a decade overdue for a frank national conversation about American innovation in the twenty-first century.

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American Manufacturing: Why is it Important

by Megan Lengyel January 12, 2015 1 min read

Without a robust revival in the manufacturing sector, we can kiss our status as a great economic power goodbye.

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