SQN Featured on Fab over Forty!



Some days my inbox is so bombarded with emails it’s difficult to get thru many of them. But then every once and awhile there’s one that sparks my interest right away and gets me excited. That’s what happened when I received an email from SQN Sport. It’s a new sportswear line for women and I love it! What’s different about this line is I feel it’s made for all kinds of women and even women like me who certainly aren’t stick thin.

SQN is an acronym for Sine Qua Non, a Latin term for “only the essential”. SQN Sport was designed with simplicity, practicality and design in mind. It’s stylish enough to wear outside the gym too. I purchased this sweatshirt (below) and wore it to work on a casual day recently. It’s lightweight, and all the tops are cut long, a huge plus in my book as I am very long waisted.


Read the amazing article here!


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